10 Best ChatGPT Alternative AI Apps For Enhancing Your Work

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ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It has been widely used in various applications such as language translation, text generation, coding, art and design, and chatting. While most of these applications use the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model as ChatGPT but their functionality and UX makes them a very good ChatGPT alternative AI apps.

However, recent developments have seen more features added to AI, making them great alternatives to ChatGPT. In this three-part series post, I will share with you some of the best available alternatives to ChatGPT that you can incorporate into your daily work. All of them are generative AI language applications.

In this first part, I will share with you chatbot platforms and AI content generators.

Five similar white doors on a mosaic wall in a lobby symbolizing chatgpt alternative ai apps
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Part 2 of this series is about other AI language models, mostly not from OpenAI. And, I have included Chrome Extensions using AI in Part 3 of this three part series post.

While enterprises are now shaking hands with AI to get work done, you can also put your foot in the door and use these ChatGPT Alternative AI Apps For Work.

Chatsonic: AI-Powered Writing Assistant

Chatsonic is an AI-powered writing assistant that harnesses the power of GPT3. The URL of the Chatsonic will open Writesonic. There is no confusion, they are one and the same. You can also find the option to create and integrate customized chatbots without using code yourself with Botsonic from this platform.

With Chatsonic you can write content on current topics, personalize your user persona/ avatar, solve math problems, prepare for an interview, sort your relationship problems, or create art. You can do all of this with voice commands also.

Screenshot showing the features of chatsonic
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  • Uses GPT-3 for content creation
  • Offers voice command functionality
  • Creates customized chatbots with Botsonic

DeepL Write: Multilingual Writing Helper

DeepL Write is a writing assistant and editor powered by AI. It helps users improve their writing skills by suggesting grammar and style corrections, word choice, and structure.

DeepL Write also offers translation capabilities in multiple languages. This tool can learn your writing style and preferences, and offer personalized suggestions and corrections. It can integrate with popular word processing and editing software such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice.

Deepl translator features screenshot
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  • AI-powered grammar and style corrections
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Integrates with popular word processing software

Jasper: Fast Content Generator

Jasper is an AI-powered content generator that helps your team create high-quality content 10x faster. Jasper can read and write content in 29 languages. 

It can create art, thumbnails, illustrations, and more. Long-form or short-form content optimized with keywords for blog posts, emails, articles or stories is Jasper’s specialty. With the Jasper Chat you can explore more creativity.

Screenshot about the features of jasper on its website
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  • Creates content in 29 languages
  • Specializes in SEO-optimized content
  • Offers AI art creation capabilities (Note: Not free)

Character.AI: Interactive AI Characters

Character AI is a platform that allows you to create characters and talk to them. It is equipped with natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) capabilities. 

This platform is intended for fun and entertainment. A word of caution from the makers about the AI characters on the Character.AI platform reads, “Don’t trust everything they say or take them too seriously.”

Pictures of various characters created by users on character ai platform
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  • Create and interact with AI characters
  • Focuses on entertainment and creativity
  • Free beta version available

Landbot: No-Code Chatbot Creator

Landbot is a platform that allows you to create your own AI-powered chatbots for various purposes such as customer service, lead generation, and e-commerce.

Landbot chatbots are equipped with natural language processing (NLP) and this technology allows customers to have natural conversations with a bot.

Screenshot showing the features of landbot
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  • Build AI chatbots without coding
  • Natural language processing capabilities
  • Ideal for customer service and lead generation

HubSpot Chatbot: Business-Focused AI

HubSpot Chatbot is another chatbot platform that allows you to create chatbots for business purposes such as customer service, lead generation, and e-commerce. 

It can create bots for your websites and integrate with the HubSpot CRM and offers features such as automatic lead capturing and personalized communication.

Homescreen screenshot of hubspot chatbot
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  • Integrates with HubSpot CRM
  • Automates lead capturing
  • Customizable for various business needs

Replika: Personal AI Companion

Replika is a personal AI chatbot that learns about you from your conversations. Whenever you need an empathetic friend, you can chat with Replika. 

You can use this bot as a companion, with no judgment, drama, or social anxiety involved. The company says that your conversations are completely private between you and your Replika and that no two Replikas are exactly alike.

A screenshot showcasing the illustration of a replika assistant chatbot
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  • Learns from your conversations
  • Offers emotional support and companionship
  • Ensures privacy in conversations

ManyChat: E-commerce and Marketing Chatbot

ManyChat is a chatbot built especially for restaurants, e-commerce stores, and agencies to automate conversations with customers. The specific purpose of this chatbot is to make interactive conversations to engage prospects, get more leads, and drive more sales.

ManyChat works on platforms like SMS, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram and supports major integrations like Zapier, Google Sheets, Shopify, etc.

A screenshot of a transcript of the manychat chatbot on a mobile phone
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  • Specializes in customer engagement for businesses
  • Works across multiple platforms (SMS, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)
  • Integrates with popular business tools

Synthesia: AI Video Creation Platform

Synthesia is a platform for AI video creation that allows you to quickly create videos with AI avatars in over 120+ languages. It comes with templates, a screen recorder, a voice-over, and a media library.  You can also create your custom avatar. 

You don’t need any human presenter or voice-over artist or pre-captured videos. With Synthesia all of this gets created in minutes with AI content generators. Note: Though I have included it here, Synthesia is not a free platform.

A screenshot of synthesia homescreen
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  • Creates AI-powered videos in 120+ languages
  • Offers customizable AI avatars
  • Includes templates and media library (Note: Not free)

Poe: Multi-AI Interaction Hub

The Platform for Open Exploration, aka, Poe is a one-stop destination for multiple AI chatbot interactions. This new app from Quora is now open to the public. In the dashboard you can choose the chatbot you want to interact with. Poe is not an initiative to build a new chatbot from scratch but rather it is an interface to accommodate many chatbots in one dashboard.  You can use this AI platform as a chatbot, a writing assistant and as a content generator using ChatGPT 3.5 (with no limits), GPT 4, Sage, and Claude.

Screenshot of the signup page for poe
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  • Access multiple AI chatbots in one platform
  • Includes GPT-4, Claude- Sonnet, and other AI models
  • Useful for writing, content generation, code generation, and general AI interaction


Many of these alternatives to ChatGPT offer different features and capabilities. 

From chatbot platforms like Chatsonic and ManyChat to writing assistants like DeepL Write, and personal AI chatbots like Replika. 

AI’s like Landbot allows you to create your own bots without coding skills. 

Most of the alternatives listed above also have an Android and iOS version and some have web browser extensions as well. All the above-listed applications are free to try but you have to pay for regular use. Only the beta version of Character AI is free for now.

With steep developments in AI sciences, you can surely expect to see new models like Megatron Turing, Chinchilla, Leta, etc. opened up to the public soon. Open source LLMs are also rising fast and is expected to be a key player in the future.

If you have uses any of these AI apps or know of other apps that can benefit our readers, we are keen to hear your thoughts in the comments.

For more alternatives and apps check Part 2 and Part 3 of this three-part series post.

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Koushik Chakroborty
Koushik Chakroborty

I love to skim the internet for solutions and information on productivity, AI, cybersecurity and blogging that can add some value to my life and in turn help me make informed decisions. Through my posts I like to share the same with you.

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